On Saturday, 4/20/2024, all Confirmation students from OLMC &
Immaculate Conception participated in a yearly retreat. This year, the retreat was given by the missionaries of NET Ministries. What a great group of missionaries but more so, what an incredible group of students. God has surely blessed our parishes with these young men and women.

We use Dynamic Catholic’s DECISION POINT as our study guide. We utilize the recommended short video clips at each session and have guest speakers through the year along with a retreat in March.

It is required of each student to complete community service hours each month but rarely have assignments as homework. If your student volunteered for summer parish festivals, VBS, etc…please let Mrs. Nelson know as soon as possible. They should have received a certificate for community service hours. If they did not, please request it in order to get credit for hose hours.Please turn it in at the first Confirmation session to Mrs. Nelson.